Hola! Haven't blogged in awhile...but really don't have too much to blog about. As my profile says, I lead a simple life...not much to report here! This entry will be quite
random. Enjoy! :-)
One of my favorite reality shows, The Bachelor, has ended it's season with Jason, the bachelor, proposing to Melissa but dumping her on national TV 6 weeks later and asking out Molly instead. Made me furious. But, what I'm excited about tonight is that Melissa took a spur of the moment offer to be on "Dancing with the Stars." I don't watch too much of that show but will this season since she is on it and so is some gorgeous eye candy from "Sex in the City"...or is it "and the City?" I'm not sure...can you believe it...I've never seen one episode of that show!
What else...oh, we paid off the truck. We originally were just going to make the payments and pay it off by January of 2010 but decided to pay it off in one lump sum instead. According to Dave Ramsey, it was the best thing to do. Dave is coming to KC in May. I am going to get tickets for Jeff and I and maybe Megan and someone of her choice if they can make it down here. I agree with about 95% of Dave Ramsey's teachings...he's a great financial adviser.
Fozzy has some bad chin acne. I need to get him some Stridex pads at the pharmacy according to my vet, Dr. Warwick. See? Random! I told ya!
Jeff's trying to spend an hour an evening studying for his Professional Engineer exam. That's in Topeka at the end of April. I tried to put Fozzy on his desk to "help" him study but for some reason, Jeff wasn't amused.
My mom got me and my sisters each a
spoon from the Garlic Press for Halloween a couple years ago. I really love the spoon and use it all the time. I usually incorporate it into dishes that I take to gatherings also. It makes for a funny conversation piece. =-D