Friday, March 27, 2009

Company and Kitties

Last weekend my aunt, uncle and cousin stopped by for the night on their way home to Iowa from their vacation in Texas. Fozzy was a big hit. He let Aunt Marie hold him for quite a long time and normally he doesn't tolerate too much holding. I think cats can sense a "cat person" easily, so I'm sure he felt a sense of comfort with her for sure.
Tonight Jennifer and Lisa will arrive. They'll also be meeting Foz for the first time. He'll enjoy the attention. He loves the attention!
Here are some Fozzy pics from today and over the past couple of months.

Have a good weekend everyone!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cute pictures! He is so fluffy. These reminded me of our pre-Holden days, when I took pictures of our "furry babies" all the time. I need to take some new ones. :)
