Monday, January 12, 2009

Three things

Three things are on my mind at this moment:

1) The light fluffy snow in the next-to-none breeze, looked so pretty tonight when I left work...probably the prettiest snow fall we've had this season...BUT, I'm still waiting more than ever for the day I can drive home when it's not dark and with my windows down!

2) If you are going to steal, that's one thing. Steal from Petco...that's another...if you are that hard up for money, you shouldn't have a pet. However, teaching your own CHILDREN how to steal, is just wrong! I witnessed this in PetCo tonight...interesting story. And finally, the debit card you are using that got declined, is probably declined because the person you STOLE it from already canceled the card.

3) I'm so happy The Bachelor is on. I know Jason Mesnick is already engaged but I can't wait to see who he picked. He deserves so much better than DeAnna anyways...she was too materialistic for him.

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